Charlie Ryde
i wonder if thats his/her real name--or where they live ?
I live in Ryde--but its not me.
charlie ryde writes:.
let us use the same bite model for determining if something is a cult to both being a jw and being ex-jw.
mind you this is a short summary.. b- behavioral control.
Charlie Ryde
i wonder if thats his/her real name--or where they live ?
I live in Ryde--but its not me.
maybe this has been discussed in the past and i wasn't here... what do you think?
are the gb members knowingly pulling a con, or do they have delusions of grandeur?
i will go out on a limb here to say that i think they are con artist.
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
That’s how we at JW see it. You have your view.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
i cant imagine staying in that cult by choice when you dont have to. You can believe in your god and read your bible all day long without being a fake member of that phoney religious charade.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Ok--to you jehovah is real--because you think he is. Thats all--
Did you mention previously that you fear him. Why ? Do you think he will strike you dead if you dont ?
My understanding is there is only one god ( to all of you that believe in him ) so why does it matter where you choose to worship him? Have you ever come across a religion that claims to be false ?
You mention you are " old aged"--have you always been a JW ? Were you born in to it ?
i recall having to go in the ministry, not just saturday but strongly encouraged to go out sunday after the meeting.
then they had the lame idea to organize evening witnessing, or maybe before the midweek book study.
it could be minus 40 and there would still be a group organized.
“evening witnessing”
definitely, before the tuesday evening group book study--i used to go--as a kid--on my own. My parents basically let me get on with it. This was in Handsworth--in Birmingham UK--early 1960's.
i'm looking forward to this, having watched a trailer i think ex-jws will enjoy it
which channel is it on please ?
edit--found it. Channel 4--mondays 10 pm
as i understand it, jehovah’s witnesses believe less than 145,000 faithful christians existed prior to the twentieth century.
the other sheep christians did not start forming until after 1914. that means jehovah’s witnesses view millions martyred for their faith in christ prior to the 20th century as merely professed christians.. the question is…how do witnesses know that those millions who perished for their faith in christ were not christians at all?.
i'm slightly curious if any other religions teach this 2 class system--with 144,000 going to heaven--and all other followers missing that bus.
after being around this site for 21 years now, i've heard many recount their stories and feelings.
many times i can immediately relate but other times they seem to have had a very different experience with the church.
i'm sure that is because not only are all of us different in personality, but congregations and family dynamics vary as well.
pah--i;m atheist--and happy with it.
after being around this site for 21 years now, i've heard many recount their stories and feelings.
many times i can immediately relate but other times they seem to have had a very different experience with the church.
i'm sure that is because not only are all of us different in personality, but congregations and family dynamics vary as well.
Yours maybe. Certainly not mine